Every day is a fight: training, working, expending energy, withstanding pain. But, for what purpose do you fight? Who do you fight for?

Don’t fight for glory. Yes, it will make life easier. But, the masses are fickle. One day they glorify you, the next day they can throw you under the bus.

Don’t fight for the masses. Yes, they constitute humanity as a whole. But, they are too easily influenced by narrative and money.

Don’t fight for money. Yes, it is very useful in our life. But, the rulers of this world can take all of yours just because they want to do so.

Don’t fight for the rulers. Yes, they distribute value to their subject. But, power attracts power hungry people who are only interested in their own blood.

Don’t fight for your own blood. Yes, family and heritage strengthen us. But, lives have been taken unnecessarily and souls have been lost eternally when the love of one’s own blood is placed above everything.

Fight for those who are willing to die for you. Fight for those who are of the same soul. Fight so that the will of the universe can come to pass. Fight so that humanity can fulfill their destiny and their purpose of existence.

Every day we fight. Remember this question: for what purpose do we fight? Because a wrong answer to that question will lead to ruin, while the right answer will lead to meaning.