
Welcome to my blog! This blog is primarily a journal/diary of my mental life written as a documentation for my future self. Go to All Posts below to check all the posts I've written.

A friendly warning to other people who are not me:
Anytime you feel that I'm being too harsh or rude in my posts, please remember that the 'you' written on the post refers specifically to me (Yoshua Elmaryono) and not you. If you feel offended by any of my post, please realize that it's not my intention to offend anybody.
All in all, this is my journal. If you don't like it, then there are so many blogs that you can read instead of mine.

  • If you disagree with me, use the "Email Me" at the bottom of the page to contact me.
  • If you agree or want to comment, Email Me.
  • If you have something to add, Email Me and I may consider adding it to my post.
  • If you think the title of a post doesn't match the post (If you caught yourself thinking "Oh, I thought this post is about X when I see the title. It seems it is about Y instead."), then Email Me and I will consider clarifying the title more.
  • There'll be grammar and spelling mistakes. If the mistake muddles the content, correction will be appreciated (Email Me). If it doesn't, then just let it be (nothing is perfect).

If you Email Me, please remember to add relevant information, such as relevant post title, relevant paragraph in that post, etc. And whatever you do, please remember to keep things civil.

Post Categories

Some of my post are marked with category inside square brackets []. Here are the explanations of those categories.

  • [Less Wrong Premise] Less wrong premises to create more accurate mental model which can then be used for descriptive purposes (knowing how things are) and prescriptive purposes (knowing what to do).
  • [Mental Technique] Techniques you can add to your mental toolbox to be used at the appropriate time.
  • [Technical Tips] Specific, practical tips to make life better.
  • [Keeping Symmetry] Reminder for things I'd like to keep constant about myself, even through transformation.

All Posts

These are all my posts sorted top to bottom from newest to oldest. You can use Ctrl+F or Cmd+F to find the post you're looking for.

  1. What it takes to call yourself an artist
  2. Justifying false meritocracy
  3. Humans as creatures of memory, culture as collective memory of humans [Less Wrong Premise]
  4. Admitting mistakes without being weak
  5. The importance of transition when changing a system
  6. The tale of two rivers
  7. How to split personalities [Mental Technique]
  8. Principles of lending
  9. Front-end scalability
  10. What makes a good religion
  11. Three survival rules
  12. The blue man and the cave
  13. Staying weak to live longer [Less Wrong Premise]
  14. Plan is useless but planning is useful
  15. My policy on vengeance
  16. Introducing and resolving divide et impera by adding parameters
  17. How to do impossible things [Technical Tips]
  18. Eliminating the need for trust [Technical Tips]
  19. Cutting off possibilities to make people more predictable [Technical Tips]
  20. Cowardice, courage, arrogance. [Less Wrong Premise]
  21. Being agile (how to teleport) [Technical Tips]
  22. When supply increase causes prices to increase
  23. Value, wealth, money [Less Wrong Premise]
  24. Meditation, simply [Technical Tips]
  25. Known ways to trigger ego death
  26. Ethical rule-breaking [Technical Tips]
  27. Killing psychological illness using its shape, truth, and reason [Technical Tips]
  28. EQ + IQ = Psychic ability [Mental Technique]
  29. On death, void, and nothingness
  30. How to think outside the box [Mental Technique]
  31. Souls as the symmetry of people [Less Wrong Premise]
  32. Problem-solving and decision-making [Less Wrong Premise]
  33. Predicting destiny [Mental Technique]
  34. Inflicting terror safely [Technical Tips]
  35. Problem solving: adding parameters to find simpler solutions [Mental Technique]
  36. How to kill unproductive emotions and have a devil may care aura [Technical Tips]
  37. How a school shooter gets made
  38. The art of leading without leading [Technical Tips]
  39. Prerequisites of improvising [Mental Technique]
  40. Prerequisites of deception [Mental Technique]
  41. The argument for and against politeness in team communication [Technical Tips]
  42. The hidden structures of unconventional art pieces
  43. Effectively giving charitable donation
  44. Symbolic interactionism [Less Wrong Premise]
  45. About strategy and tactics
  46. Productivity incentives (a mark of startup culture)
  47. Persuasion: appeal to fallacies [Technical Tips]
  48. The money in messiness
  49. Making a difference is not about lofty idealism
  50. Winning one attack-defense exchange [Mental Technique]
  51. Emulating the universe's personality [Mental Technique]
  52. Concurrency vs Parallelism
  53. BNG Model (a meta-heuristic to find heuristics) [Mental Technique]
  54. The internal logic of stupidity (handling stupidity) [Mental Technique]
  55. Using incentive structure to force goodness (handling sociopathy) [Mental Technique]
  56. Keeping good people from burning out (handling helplessness) [Mental Technique]
  57. My definition of good and bad person [Less Wrong Premise]
  58. VIPER succinctly explained
  59. Redux succinctly explained
  60. MVVM succinctly explained
  61. MVC succinctly explained
  62. Layered architecture succinctly explained
  63. Distributed messaging platform succinctly explained
  64. The terms and conditions to killing systems
  65. There's no system, only entities and flows
  66. Ways to create extremely competitive superorganism
  67. What real tolerance is for me
  68. Testing other's ego by showing off [Mental Technique]
  69. People that easily connect with me
  70. Learning is fun if you design your life as a game
  71. On the ideation part of invention [Less Wrong Premise]
  72. Grand strategy towards financial freedom
  73. The first step on the path to greatness
  74. Different ways of learning
  75. Using abstraction or art to explain complex ideas [Mental Technique]
  76. Handling crisis with ANC model [Mental Technique]
  77. Modern explanation of five constant factors (art of war) [Less Wrong Premise]
  78. Type signature, vectorized ML algorithm, and jigsaw puzzle [Technical Tips]
  79. Using regularization to avoid overfitting in real life [Mental Technique]
  80. Time constraint is an illusion
  81. Seeing without interpreting
  82. On wanting [Less Wrong Premise]
  83. My biggest regret
  84. Be humble, keep soaring [Less Wrong Premise]
  85. The importance of architecting after revolution
  86. The absolutes and the relatives [Less Wrong Premise]
  87. Mono no aware
  88. Why I drop out
  89. Risks, prices, consequences [Less Wrong Premise]
  90. The important role of good mentor (in providing guidance to reach our real goals)
  91. A good way to live
  92. Context switching: multitasking strategies for humans [Mental Technique]
  93. Why I go barefoot a lot of the time [Technical Tips]
  94. What to ask when you are a beginner
  95. Using run as textual shortcut for Windows software and file [Technical Tips]
  96. The unteachable vs. unlearnable [Less Wrong Premise]
  97. Underlying pattern (what fanatic atheists and fanatic religious guys have in common) [Less Wrong Premise]
  98. Switching to DVORAK so you can touch type [Technical Tips]
  99. Practice your foreign language speaking skill alone [Technical Tips]
  100. My idea of femininity and masculinity
  101. Master of basics [Less Wrong Premise]
  102. A meta-post: how to be {insert characteristic here}
  103. General job description of programmers
  104. Focus on goal, not on way
  105. The definitive guide to be a genius
  106. Social skill heuristics for logical people [Mental Technique]
  107. Resolve conflicting heuristics [Mental Technique]
  108. The relationship between agency and growth [Less Wrong Premise]
  109. The reality-empathy tradeoff [Less Wrong Premise]
  110. Reading by typing to a note-taking software [Technical Tips]
  111. Personal time management
  112. Getting to the top vs. getting near the top [Less Wrong Premise]
  113. The eternal children and how to be more lovable
  114. A business undergrad’s lament
  115. The pros make mistakes too (even if they seem to be perfect) [Less Wrong Premise]
  116. Money doesn't solve problem [Less Wrong Premise]
  117. Ego death
  118. Delusion trick [Mental Technique]
  119. Fourth year of programming (2018)
  120. Third year of programming (2017)
  121. Second year of programming (2016)
  122. First year of programming (2015)
  123. Who do I fight for? [Keeping Symmetry]
  124. The journeyman stance [Keeping Symmetry]
  125. The journey is the reward [Keeping Symmetry]
  126. On primary and secondary skills [Keeping Symmetry]
  127. My identity [Keeping Symmetry]
  128. The Fundamental Sin [Keeping Symmetry]
  129. How I decide what to do and what not to do [Keeping Symmetry]
  130. My current priorities [Keeping Symmetry]
  131. Blessings I need to remember [Keeping Symmetry]
  132. Don't let goals obstruct purposes [Keeping Symmetry]
  133. What do I want most? My life purpose [Keeping Symmetry]