Clear eyes, opened heart, informed mind, steady hands.

“Clear eyes” means you can see things (current situations, your starting point, your weaknesses, your strengths, your target, etc.) as it is without filter and delusion.

“Opened heart” means you are open to different approaches, even those that go against your current approaches or those that go against the conventional ones.

“Informed minds” means you evaluate new approaches by their merits. Keep what works, discard what doesn’t.

“Steady hands” means you faithfully do the approaches you have decided to do with conviction even though the risk of failing is threatening you. If the approach doesn’t work, then you discard it with steady hands (conviction).

All of these prerequisites imply that you need to think independently. Don’t let other people dictate the way you think. Don’t let theories encumber you. Don’t let norms limit your thinking. Think for yourself, keep what works, discard what doesn’t.