When you’re “tortured” socially, mentally, or psychologically by tens or hundreds of people, you’ll “vomit.”

The torturing can be in the form of bullying, disrespectful behaviors, exclusion, excessive teasing, etc.

The vomiting can be in the form of crying, being angry, being depressed, or even literally vomiting nothing.

The more you get tortured, the more you’ll vomit. The nearer you’re to the perpetrators and the more often you meet them, the more often you’ll vomit. The more often you vomit, the more intense you’ll vomit.

Those who vomit hard enough will get their eyes accidentally opened. They’ll see the ugliness in people. But they’ll also gain wisdom and see the weaknesses of people. They’ll see that those who torture are often weak. They’ll see that only those who are strong can truly be kind.

They may then be either kind or apathetic to people. But they’ve become strong enough to stop caring what people think and just do what they truly want.

So, while it’s unfortunate that they get tortured, at least they gain something from it. Most of them go on and become stars in life. A few of them decide that killing others and then themselves is what they truly want.

However, some people are even more unfortunate. They vomit hard but not hard enough. They’ll see the ugliness in people, but their closed eyes won’t let them see the weaknesses of others. Only their weaknesses.

When they snap, they either kill themselves, kill others, or kill others and then themselves.

Now, let’s stop here and not talk about physical torture. We might end up talking about how a terrorist kingpin gets made.

P.S. Obviously, there may be other ways to make a school shooter (or a terrorist kingpin). I don’t know much about them though. Ask the devil, it’ll tell you.