I found this neat trick after my ego death. There are 3 steps involved:

  1. realize that whether or not you’re alive tomorrow doesn’t matter
  2. accept that whether or not you’re alive tomorrow doesn’t matter
  3. when it is useful, remind yourself that whether or not you’re alive tomorrow doesn’t matter

If you do this, you can kill almost any kind of emotions that hinder you to function effectively in your daily life, such as being lovesick, being in fear or terror, being angry, feeling that you’re not in control of things, etc.

This is a powerful antibiotic. Of course, you can handle each emotion differently, just like you can take different drugs for different illnesses. For example, you can stop being lovesick by focusing on your self, you can stop being in fear by clearing your mind, etc. But the trick above is like a blanket cure that can kill almost any kind of emotions that you feel.

The side effect, just like an antibiotic, is that you’ll feel empty. So make sure that after using this trick, you fill yourself with love for yourself and other fellow humans. Or else, you’ll become an interesting being who can do terrible things without flinching.

If you do this trick a lot, you’ll internalize it and make it a part of your self. Then, people will say that you have a devil-may-care aura or an IDGAF attitude.