As Lao Tzu said: thoughts become words; which become actions; which become habits; which become character; which becomes destiny.

This quote implies a straightforward technique to predict someone’s destiny: watch his words, actions, and habits.

Unless you’re a mind reader, you won’t be able to know people’s thoughts.

But watching the 3 components above is enough to profile people into archetypes based on their characters.

Then you’ll be able to predict destinies by simply knowing how each character will react given a certain environment.

There’re no certainties here; only probabilities. But the ways an archetype reacts to its circumstances is not infinite and there’s usually a text somewhere narrating the life path of the archetype you encounter right now. So predicting destinies is not impossible.

As an aside, we can surmise from the quote that you can also know the thoughts of a person based on his words, actions, habits, and character. But I digress.