Warning: don’t take this post too seriously. I don’t know much about this kind of thing to be honest.

In mathematics, symmetry denotes the properties that don’t change when an object undergoes certain changes or transformations.

So what is the symmetry of a person?

The body grows old and withers with time. Names and faces can be changed. Personality changes all the time.

The way people use their free will (the way people choose) change with time. But the way it changes, I believe, is constant.

People might say kids are blank pages and parents can mold them however they want. But the truth is once the kids exercise their free will, their true color shows up and they become rather predictable.

You’d know that this one will get married by accident, or that one will raise in the ranks, and that one will be destitute. And these predictions when made without delusions are usually correct unless some extraordinary circumstances happen. And even then, you can predict how these people adapt (or not) to extraordinary events.

I believe that these phenomena happen because people are not blank pages. But because they have something that guides them through their life path. I call this thing soul. And it mostly doesn’t change. It’s the symmetry of intelligent beings.

This beg the question: if you have free will but the way you choose is foreordained… do you have free will?